- Fermilab has a number of science-related summer workshops for K-8 students. The workshops last between one and four days. Go to Fermilab's Science Adventures page to see all the offerings and learn more.
- The Batavia Robotics Club has fun summer Lego Robotics camps for kids from grades 1-12. See the options at their website.
- Do you have a child who likes to read? You can find recommended reading lists arranged by subject of interest at Hoagies' Gifted Ed Page here. There are a number of other readings lists available on an earlier blog post. To find them, click on the "reading" tag on the right sidebar.
Have you seen ... ?
- This article on Mind/Shift, "For Frustrated Gifted Kids, a World of Online Opportunities," describes various online options enjoyed by gifted learners looking for more.
- The Spring 2014 CTD Newsletter focuses on twice-exceptional students.
- The Davidson Institute brings us this Q & A from Tamra Stambaugh, a researcher in gifted education at Vanderbilt, that explores the impact of the Common Core on gifted education.