Frequently Asked Questions
Click on a question to read its answer.
- Q: What is CANDO?
A: CANDO is an advocacy group created by and for families in BPS101. The acronym stands for Challenge Advocacy Networking Development Organization. CANDO focuses on advocacy, networking and development to support appropriate education for our district's gifted and high-ability student population. We endorse a district-wide learning plan for all students to reach their full learning potential. We want BPS101’s reputation to grow as a model of excellence in public education. Read more about our history and mission here.
- Q: What is the relationship between CANDO and Batavia Public School District 101?
A: CANDO is not a part of BPS101 or run by the Board of Education or district personnel. We are independent and volunteer-run. CANDO’s members and board are parents who support appropriate education for gifted and high-ability students, and who endorse a district-wide learning plan to benefit all students to help them reach their full academic potentials.
To this end, CANDO meets regularly with BPS101 personnel. Executive Board Members and School Liaisons meet with BPS101 administrators and teachers at quarterly district Gifted Committee meetings. At those meetings, CANDO provides the parent point of view and input in discussions about gifted services and issues related to acceleration, pacing, enrichment, intellectual challenge, and the unique social and emotional needs of gifted students.
- Q: How do I join CANDO? Who are members of CANDO?
A: CANDO members are any interested parents who decide to attend a meeting, share feedback with CANDO, or in any other way support CANDO’s advocacy and efforts. You don’t have to do anything to become a member. There are no restrictions or guidelines for being in CANDO, and there are no dues or registration procedures. If you are interested in anything CANDO supports or sponsors, please join us at any of our events. Attending CANDO events is a great way to network with other parents! Or drop us an email with your ideas or questions at [email protected]. You can also sign up to be on our email list, and check our website, Facebook posts, and Twitter feed for information, news, and updates.
- Q: Is CANDO only for parents of students who…
• score high on standardized tests? (MAP, PARCC, CogAT, etc.)
• get good grades?
• place into gifted services?
• take honors classes?
A: No. CANDO welcomes the participation of all parents who want to help students whose intellectual interests and abilities are not satisfied by standard curriculum, pacing, or placement. Whatever a student’s test scores, grades, or course placement, he or she might still need “more”—more enrichment opportunities or intellectual challenge to reach his or her academic potential. A desire to help students achieve this aim is what brings us together in CANDO.
- Q: What does CANDO do?
A: CANDO’s volunteers (Executive Board, School Liaisons, and members) work together to:
• advocate at the district, state, and national level for gifted education and academic challenge and enrichment
• network with parents locally and in neighboring districts to locate resources and support advocacy efforts
• develop relationships with district staff and local resources to support appropriate education for gifted and high-ability students
• communicate with fellow parents via website, email, and social media
• create opportunities for parents to network and share information, experiences, and strategies (via focus groups and informal chats)
• collect feedback from parents to share with district administrators and staff
• sponsor (or co-sponsor) programs that enrich students’ educational experiences (such as Lunch and Learn events and author fairs)
• celebrate excellence in education with CANDO’s annual Exemplary Educator Awards
• research and share helpful resources and local enrichment and education opportunities
At CANDO’s annual May General Membership Meeting, the previous academic year’s accomplishments are reviewed and we discuss objectives and plans for the coming year. Watch for announcements and join us!
- Q: Does CANDO write curriculum or recommend particular curricula?
A: No. In order to better understand and ask the right questions about district decisions concerning curriculum, acceleration, placement, pacing, and gifted services, CANDO researches evidence-based recommendations and compares BPS101’s services with other area benchmark districts.
- Q: How can parents learn about gifted services available in BPS101?
A: BPS101 publishes an online Gifted Services Handbook available on the district website. Currently, BPS101 provides gifted services for students in grades 3-8, with honors and AP classes available at Batavia High School.
- Q: What should I do if I have concerns about my child’s education or placement regarding gifted services and enriched or accelerated curriculum?
A: BPS101 recommends that parents talk to their classroom teachers and initiate the “problem-solving process.” More details are in the Gifted Services Handbook which you can find here. If you have specific questions about placement, contact district personnel as indicated in any communications you receive from the school district.
Also, we encourage you to attend CANDO events and reach out to other CANDO parents for support, information, and shared experiences. You are not alone. Many parents have been in the same position, and part of CANDO’s mission is to offer opportunities for parents to network and come together to share stories and strategies.